Embroidery on card and paper
Posted on 6th December 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under All Papercraft Tutorials
Posted on 6th December 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under All Papercraft Tutorials
Posted on 27th November 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards
Be sure to include contact details on the reverse of your card so people can commission a card!
Posted on 21st November 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards
In the first part of "Selling handmade cards to high street shops and galleries" we discussed ways in which to approach shops and galleries and how to ensure your work was suitable.In this post we are going to focus on the actual deal! What payment can you expect and what sort of deals are available.
Posted on 13th November 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under Papercraft Disciplines And Techniques, Papercraft Artists
We wanted to share the work of this amazing paper artist with you. In the past we've looked at creating beautiful paper butterflies to make art or to add as an embellishment to your handmade cards. Rebecca J Cole has taken this just a step further - the scale of her work with paper butterflies is quite breathtaking. We'd recommend you visit her website and have a look at the amazing pieces - here are two of our favourites.
Posted on 2nd November 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards
The next installment of our 'How to sell handmade cards' series! We're looking at what you need to know before you can start selling your cards to bricks and mortar shops.
Posted on 29th October 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under All Papercraft Tutorials
Lots of fun ideas and tutorials for making your own gift boxes from card!
Posted on 26th October 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under Competitions And Giveaways
Posted on 12th October 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under Competitions And Giveaways
Posted on 9th October 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards, Social Media Marketing Tips
Chatting on niche paper crafting forums is a great way to meet other paper crafters, get feedback for ideas, and also begin to build up some familiar faces on other social networks.
Posted on 28th September 2012 by Papermilldirect
Filed under How To Sell Handmade Cards, Social Media Marketing Tips
How to use twitter if you are panning to start promoting or selling your cards on the internet.